Register now to help us launch the VEOS smart bike: Click here.
the new VEOS One

electric bike.

smart bike.

Welcome to the new standard of urban mobility.
Explore the future generation of an electric bike.
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VEOS front

Built for special ones.

Get back the priority on the street. With great features and functions, your outstanding image on a smart bike will shape the cities of tomorrow.
•  Smart integrated app
•  Safe riding assistance
•  Strong engine support
•  Outstanding image
•  Best-in-class design
•  Easy to maintain
Find out all features and functions here.
VEOS cockpit

Magically connected.

Smart-driven: The magic comes from an effortless connection between your smartphone and an integrated display.
Learn more


Design-driven: Embedded power with a minimalistic design for an stunning performance.
Learn more
VEOS back light
Find your perfect color below.

Dark Grey.


Ice Blue.

Moss Green.

Dark Grey.


Ice Blue.

Moss Green.

VEOS dark grey

People talked.

We listened.

Driven by future customers

“Cars have made the leap into the digital age - why not bikes?”
- Lars, ux designer





“We both like driving cars, but in the city it's simply not fun.“

About us

Hi there! We are Enzo and Jannik, two brothers and passionate road cyclists. Having grown up in a rather rural area and later moved to urban areas, we have noticed that our generation places less and less value on a car - especially in the city. However, the environmentally conscious generations lack a real alternative to the car. Whether it's commuting to work or university, doing some shopping or simply exploring the city in a safe, styled and relaxed way.  

We believe that design and connectivity, as already present in cars, are two significant components to make the electric bike the new status symbol. Our passion for bicycles led us to design a solution: a smart and design-driven electric bike, called VEOS.    
Jannik Watermann

Jannik Watermann

Enzo Watermann

Enzo Watermann

You share the same passion for urban mobility, design and technology as us? Why not starting the rocket VEOS - together! Check out your opportunities.
Join us!


How does VEOS impact my lifestyle and urban mobility?
The vision is to be more than just another bike brand. Our daily drive is to shape people's lifestyle and the urban cityscape. We develop emotional mobility products for the best user experience in the city. VEOS is an attitude to life and a stunning statement on streets. Equipped with the best smart technology, the mobility shift can be kicked off.
What exactly is meant by smart technology?
By integrated smart technology, we mean support for the cyclist before, during and after a ride. Your VEOS bike supports you with the help of attractive data visualizations and safety alerts. The goal of this specially developed technology is that your Veos bike is no longer stolen, you can find it anywhere, danger points are avoided and you have the most comfortable ride at the end of the day.
How much will the smart bike cost?
At this point in time, we are not yet able to name an exact price. The current opaque economic situation gives us only limited scope to provide specific figures. However, we are targeting pricing in similar electric bike segments.
When will the smart bike be available?
Our prototyping phase can be divided into three steps. We have successfully completed the first development phase - visualisation. The next two steps are the development of hardware and software. It would be presumptuous to communicate an exact date, but our incentive is to realise a market entry between 2024 and 2025.
Why should I register now?
The user perspective was in every design iteration the secret essence to develop the smart bike. This smart bike was co-developed by future customers. In order to measure this customer demand, we highly appreciate you joining the waiting list. We need 1000 registrations to turn VEOS into reality. Sign up today and get the latest info about VEOS.

Make a change - with your e-mail.

In order to make the dream of a smart bike come true, we would be more than happy if you show your interest with your e-mail address. We therefore collect the potential e-mail addresses in order to be able to precisely measure the number of potential customers.

Registration for VEOS.

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